The market is flooded by many wallets that might be overwhelming for a person buying or upgrading their wallet. However, some great wallets differ from the rest. They have styles and unique features that make them stand out compared to other wallets. This article will look at the stow wallet, a wallet that is not just perfectly slim but amazing to carry around with incredible usability. Hence if you desire to buy a new wallet, then this is a wallet you would not want to miss out on.
The Stow wallet’s slip model consists of fantastic features as one of the slimmest wallets you will find in the market. It proficiently handles cash, receipts, business cards, and other similarly sized items. The stow wallet is a creation from the United States of America. The fantastic features that make up this wallet make it a desirable and must-have for any wallet enthusiast out there.
Stow wallet facts
The STOW wallet could have made a grand entrance earlier; however, disaster stroke. The 2018 Carr fire ravaged the founders’ community and burned down his house along with the whole wallet plan. Thankfully, Tobe, the founder, escaped unharmed and redeveloped the plan. The result was a wallet “forged with fire,” which STOW wallet Kickstarter fans loved and still cherish as a wallet of the century.
The stow wallet is bundled in a box that is multi-colored which appears to have the top with a cutout. The box incorporates the product’s color on the inside parts within the cutout; hence you precisely have a view of what you acquire. The wallet comes in multiples colors; therefore, there is something for every person.
The wallet has some complexities associated with its design that make it unique and worth your money. For one, the wallet has a simple feel though it has some great functionalities, plus the design is pretty well thought out; hence it has that stylish look with a lot of innovation put to it.
The STOW company had a changed in its brand name to Akeeni, which saw the release of an enhanced version of the stow wallet known as XSTO. Hence if you already have a stow wallet, you can still upgrade and get the fantastic new and enhanced features.
The wallet packaging features unique science that we could not overlook. It provides an insight into the manufacturers’ thoughts as you can see both the worth and perception plus how they associate to the product they bring in the market. The packaging says a lot; I mean, even before you unbox the wallet, you can already imagine what you are about to experience, and it is pure excellence.
The stow wallet Features
Now let us look at the feature which makes STOW slip a great wallet. The wallet has three major components and qualities that make it distinct. It has 3 carry sections – the cash, general card, and business card carry sections hence suitable for handling most of your cards. While this feature is not distinctive to wallets, STOW wallet has a particular specificity on handling these three aspects.
When it comes to the card-carrying capacity, the STOW wallet can handle six cards plus eight cash note slips inside. It features different various versions. One can purchase a 4, 6, or 8 card capacity wallet according to the number of cards you carry. It works excellent for currencies in the USA, Canada, and Australia; however, Euro and Yen are a bit too long to fit inside the wallet. The wallet features a single piece of pure aerospace-grade aluminum and manufactured in the United States of America.
The wallet has a uniform affordable price for all three variations, the 4, 6, and 8 card wallets. You can get STOW wallet on amazon and Malaysia at incredible discounts, too, especially if you have a gift card or a STOW wallet discount code.
The wallet comes in a variety of colors, from dark, stylish black, to bright blue; you can visit the STOW wallet website to find the many different color variations.
The wallet does not have RFID; however, if you want to protect your contactless cards without destroying the wallet fabric, then you can get a Popov Gauntlet RFID card. You can easily slip it into the wallet and offers protection that equals protection, plus you can transfer it between wallets hence boosts reusability.
The wallet has a weight of 45 grams measuring 3.6 by 2.3 by 0.6. The STOW wallet is made out of metals, but it is still pretty light since there is the use of aluminum.
A genuinely resilient company makes the STOW wallet, and the product is no less. The wallet is impressive, and urge of entrepreneurialism is pretty fantastic with the STOW crew.
The STOW wallet is one of a kind, with all the incredible features described in this article, is well worth your money. If you are looking to buy a new wallet, we recommend you try out this wallet to get a feel of style and resilience.