Whether you only prefer to carry cards with you or always ensure you have some extra cash, a wallet is an essential part in keeping these items safeguarded. With the right wallet, you can avoid misplacing your cards, while also ensuring you do not lose your cash. Preferences for wallets have changed a lot over the years – with many people now turning to an option like a Nomatic wallet.
Nomatic is a brand known for their minimal designs. The original Nomatic wallet offers a durable structure, while also being more compact than several of the other options. Not sure if this is the right wallet for you? We take a deeper dive into this wallet and see what it offers in this review.
Nomatic Wallet Review
Minimalism has become a design trend in recent years. In fact, many people and even expert designers now refer to the minimalistic trends as a complete design movement. The trend focuses on reducing the use of excessive features on a product that are not essential for it to function properly – elements that Nomatic has captured perfectly in the design of their wallet. The company has several models available, which is why some people look up searches for Nomatic wallet v1 vs v2.
Overall, the first version, as well as the Nomatic wallet v2, offers great benefits when it comes to reducing bulk in a wallet – while also adopting a minimalistic style.
Nomatic Wallet Design
The design Nomatic went for fuses frequently requested elements – a slim wallet that is still durable, functional, and stylish. In addition to being slim, the wallet was also made to provide faster and easier access to essential cards.
The design includes a quick access slot, which can store four cards that you use most frequently. By simply pulling on the slot, these four cards are instantly pushed out of the wallet. Additional storage space allows you to add up to 10 cards – which you can slide up and fan out to find the one that is needed. A secure strap is used to help avoid items from falling out of the wallet – an essential function when it comes to securing your personal belongings.
Materials And Quality
A combination of materials are used in the development of the Nomatic wallet. The materials were carefully selected to ensure the wallet lasts for an extended period of time, while also making it easy to use. Instead of using a metal material like some of the slim wallets on the market, a special type of elastic fabrics are used. The elastic fabrics are woven and consist of medical grade materials. This means the wallet is a more hygienic option too.
A pull strap can be found inside the wallet, which features a layer of leather. A genuine leather material is used as a layer on top of the pull tab. The materials used allowed the brand to offer the wallet in a variety of colors – including mint, red, black, and grey.
Weight And Dimensions
A low profile and a minimalistic structure are two factors that makes the Nomatic wallet unique – which explains its smaller size. The wallet measures 3.4 inches by 2.2 inches. It also has a very thin design – measuring just 0.1 inches when no cards are added to the wallet. In terms of weight, the wallet is made from lighter materials to ensure it is easy to carry – weighing just 0.64 ounces when empty.
Nomatic Wallet Price
A large number of modern wallets tend to be coupled with high price tags. This makes it hard for the average customer to afford a decent wallet that matches their needs. Fortunately, things are different when looking at the Nomatic Wallet. The wallet comes at quite a surprising price of just $19.99. You should take into account the fact that some retailers may have their own prices. For example, looking at Nomatic wallet Amazon offers may come with a different price.
The Nomatic wallet features a minimalistic design with a slim structure. While the wallet seems small in size, you’ll still be able to add up to 14 cards to this accessory. Apart from its portability, the wallet has a stylish design, along with convenient functions – such as a pocket for your car or house key. The wallet is also one of the more affordable options to enter the market.